Saturday, May 17, 2008

Not Another Random Post...haha that was a very bad joke

Okay I know I said that my next post would be serious and more historical I just had to add another random one. I am like obsessed with random pics now. Thanks to his project. Now I think I want to start adding random pics to my original blog. But it might take away my blog's entire purpose. Oh well I really don't give. I won't ramble on today cause I'm tired. So here goes.

Oh God! Why are woman so emotional?

What the hell am I doing here?

I'm so sorry honey. I didn't mean to punch you on our wedding day. i just can't help it that I'm bipolar.

Oh my, is this what they did to their dolls then? I mean look at the doll, they're like awkardly punishing the poor thing.

Umm, I totally don't want to be here. Someone get me outta here for I piss my pants.

Well, that's all I got for now, and probably all I will have for now. later


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Uhh...This would be a random post. You might not want to have a look-see at this one...

So I thought I'd go with the purple font today considering the amount of fruity content of these pictures. But this set of pics are probably the most random of my bunch, and becuase I wanted to share them all, I decided to get these ones out of the way first. Ya know? Yea I know you know. Anyways as I was like looking through my bunches of pics, I was like looking at some of the things and seeing how some of them are so weird, but I'm a weird girl and me and weird stuff kinda go hand in hand. But as I was saying, these pics are so different from a lot of things we would see today. Duh! It's becuase I live in America and it is in fact the 21st century, we see stuff that is way more awkward than this. I'm just messin'. Well, it's kinda true...okay it's very true, but whatevs, let me get back on topic. So the stuff that I see may be weird, but we have similar stuff that we see today and okay I admit once you see the pics, you'll be like this isn't weird at all, just random. But I just felt like putting out the message that history totally repeats itself. Well I'm done babbling...enjoy the pics, I guess. Whatevs


Hold on a secpmd hun, I think I might be a guy. I mean look at me! what are you doing holding those flowers, they were meant for the girlfriends of the officers. Oh wait, you're his boyfriend!. Gross!

Cool car, I totally want one. It's a Chaika GAZ 13. Only the elite Communist political officials were allowed to have one. @*!$ Communists!

*I would hate to have to try and get away with texting on this badboy in class. I mean it's bigger than my purse. This would be the ancient cell phone mentioned in my previous post.

**Ummm...I'm only a dumb blonde. I don't know what I'm doing working hear. Isn't this supposed to be a man's job. Oh wait, there are guys that are dimb blondes!

Need a light?

I thought this was a pretty pic of Russia in the 60s. Wouldn't you agree?

According to the source of this pic, they can't determine what they were trying to tell people with this postage stamp. Looks like a Russian version of the story Brokeback Mountain to me. I see no cowboys here. I'm just sayin' that's all.

This is the cool car that floats. The one I told you about in the previous post.

Dear Lord, Please get this boy off my lap. I mean it's just so wrong. Amen

*I have nothing against Communists, by the way. Sorry to affend anyone. I didn't mean it.

**Sorry to all you blondes out there. I don't sterotype. I just wanted to have a caption for the picture and that was all I could come up with.

I'm still not finished here. I hope you guys can last long because the next pictures will probably have loads of history and will be kinda boring, but I hate boring, so I'll se if I can make it as interesting as possible. Unless you like history, which is cool with me, less work for me to do to be creative and all that jazz just to try and make it funny. Which it probably isn't anyways. I try. I'm just messin' with you guys...sorta.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Who would have known?

So I am totally searching the net for some pics, right and I came across these ahmazing pics of life on the sixties. It's really interesting to see the differences in our styles in fashion and hairdos and whatnot in a different time period. And some of these pics may be random and seem like it was a part of someone's personal life, and it's almost like I'm a part of this time period as well. So here are some of my faves. I mean who would've known that some of the first cell phones (or mobile if you please) were created for use by those in the military. They were installed in peoples cars or whatnot. And I totally came across a pic of a car, that not only can drive and get you places, but it's got some of the features of modern day cars, such as a button to start the car. And also what makes it even more unique is that it can float on water. Oh wicked awesome is that. It likes the front part of a plane to me. But how wicked awesome would it be to be cruising down the road in that. So anyways here are those cool pics I was babbling on about.


I'm in a bit of a hurry...

Hmm...I wonder what this does

I wish traffic were still like this nowadays.

Honey can you please move, your blocking the sun. Can't you see I'm trying to get my 'tan-on'.

Yeah were so cool. We're bigger than the Backstreet Boys and Nysnc will ever be. 'Look who's back! ALRIGHT!'

And I am totally not done yet, there are about fifty billion more pics to go. But I think I will just start with a new post.